The years winner started coaching this year and as a younger individual, can only imagine how much responsibility and courage that takes. She doubted herself at the beginning but, showed real maturity in looking for help. During the year, she grew, showed dedication to the team and persisted. As a result, her team have grown to the point of making the finals!! So many words were used in her nominations - caring, passionate, patient, empathetic and positive. It has been a pleasure to watch her grow belief in her own abilities.
Izzie has come a long way this year from starting the year at a new graduate to receiving her National C. She has grown so much each time she takes the court to umpire and has received lots of positive feedback from coaches at NNC who have had Izzie umpire their games. Izzie is a perfect example of what we hope for our umpires, finding confidence and strength in her own ability as well as a passion to follow. Another we are proud to call a Narellan NC umpire, it has been a pleasure to watch her journey so far.
This person has found her calling as an umpire, showing confidence on court, not just for herself but also those that she helps on their own umpire journey as a mentor. She is described as firm, but fair, ensuring everyone on court is treated equally. Her technical ability is at an amazing level and hert commitment to her craft will ensure she is an umpire to watch for the future. We're proud to call her a Narellan NC umpire
This person has not only taken on a coaching a team again this year who she has formed a great bond with, doing it on her own, but she has lead them into finals season for the 2nd year in a row. They've taken up umpiring this year and in a short amount of time, has managed to impress everyone with her abilities and pure passion for the game by being awarded her National C badge. She has shown compassion and dedication and has wisdom beyond her years - we are lucky, and humbled to have her.
This person has committed so much of their time to NNC, in a number of areas, and has shown selflessness all for the benefit of others . She jokes sometimes that she doubts her own ability but that is more a relfection of her personality and no way her skill. Speaking of her skill level, is at an exceptional level and sets the bar high for everyone to reach around her. As a club, we are lucky to have her and hope we can reward the effort and commitment she has shown us. Nothing is a problem and we hope she understand hows much we value her as a proud member of the Narellan NC community.
This years winner started off quite shy and unsure but, has grown into strength and positivity. Her skills have grown and she is always wanting to learn a something new to use on court. She has been able to take on any help given by coaches and also outside coaches to better her skills and give 110% every week. After finding her confidence, she can be found smiling and leading her team with a loud and strong voice, and was rewarded this year with a grand final appearance!
This team has shown incredible resilience and determination throughout the season. It was a bit of a rough start but, as the season progressed, something seemed to shift, they pulled it together and started working like a team and importantly had fun. Many of the players have even attended extra training sessions to learn new skills and positions. They have taken on feedback from their coach, and other coaches as well, and been able to put it into practice. in 2024, they were rewarded with a grand final appearance and only went down by 4 points. It was a fantastic effort and we are so proud of them.
This award is presented in recognition of a family, being a parent/carer and their child/children who have consistently aligned themselves with NNC’s Mission, Vision and values